Olympic Park and MT Lab enter into a major new partnership on tourism innovation. As part of this partnership, Olympic Park will work with innovative Quebec companies to create human-scale experiences in a symbolic, oversized venue. Projects will focus on the organization’s three sectors: tourism, events and sports.
This partnership is part of a series of actions that concretely express the momentum of the Olympic Park’s new vision, propelled by the passage of Bill 15 in June 2020, which gave birth to the Société de développement et de mise en valeur du Parc olympique the following fall. The Park thus consolidates its status as an icon of the metropolis, in addition to being a hub of innovation and creativity. Over the next few months, Olympic Park, in collaboration with MT Lab, will be working to:
- Reinvigorate Montreal’s east end by encouraging local residents, Montrealers, Quebecers and visitors to take ownership of these valuable facilities and participate in the activities of the Olympic Park, a place of discovery, entertainment, sports and business, located in the heart of the Olympic District;
- Position ourselves as a leading figure in the sports tourism sector and recreate tangible links with the city and local players;
- Welcome and partner memorable moments, in every facility, 365 days a year;
- Celebrate the Olympic Park, recognized as a Montreal icon, which, on the eve of its 50th anniversary, contributes daily to the pride of its employees and users.
The Olympic Park has chosen to collaborate with MT Lab and its major partners with the aim of creating and innovating, in order to exploit all the possibilities offered by the multidisciplinary space that defines it. Innovation is at the heart of the Olympic Park’s values, so that it can lead the way in offering event and tourism products that respond to fragmented markets and the growing appetite of local and international tourists for new experiences.
“Through innovation, we want to position the Olympic Park as a key player in the revival of the tourism industry, and boost the value of its facilities. The MT Lab, Quebec’s leading centre for innovation in tourism, is a natural partner in achieving this goal,” says Michel Labrecque, President and CEO of the Olympic Park.

“MT Lab is very proud to welcome one of Quebec’s most important tourist attractions to its circle of major partners. The Olympic Park will be an exceptional place of creation for the emerging companies in the MT Lab ecosystem. In the midst of the pandemic, welcoming a new partner is a powerful and symbolic act for our organization, and for all MT Lab partners and stakeholders. I’d like to thank Michel Labrecque, CEO of the Olympic Park, for the confidence he has shown in innovation in tourism, despite the tumultuous times we’re living through,” said Michel Labrecque, CEO of the Olympic Park. Pierre Bellerose, Chairman of the MT Lab Board of Directors.
About Olympic Park

Created on November1, 2020, the Société de développement et de mise en valeur du Parc olympique (SDMVPO), “Olympic Park”, replaces and modernizes the mission of the Régie des installations olympiques (1975-2020). The SDMVPO has the dual mandate of developing, managing, promoting and operating its facilities, as well as showcasing its Olympic heritage and legacy.
Olympic Park manages five main assets: the Olympic Stadium, the country’s largest amphitheatre; the Tour de Montréal, the world’s tallest inclined tower; the Sports Centre, Canada’s leading aquatic center; the Esplanade and outdoor areas, the city’s main gathering and event venue; and the country’s largest underground car park.
A bold architectural creation by Roger Taillibert, the Olympic Park was built both to host the 1976 Summer Games and as the home of the Montreal Expos baseball club (1977-2004). Since its inauguration, it has played host to several thousand sporting, cultural, social, civic and public events, shaping Quebec’s event history, with over one hundred million visitors since its inauguration.
Forty-five years after its construction, the Olympic Park is a site of undeniable heritage value, particularly in terms of its historical, emblematic, architectural and urban aspects.
Originally published on Tourisme Express on March 15, 2021