Piknic Électronik

Piknic Électronik

The customer

Founded in Montreal in 2003, Piknic Électronik is now a major event on the Montreal music scene. Attracting record numbers of electronic music fans, Piknic stands out for its open-air concerts and numerous performances from May to October at Parc Jean-Drapeau. Now in its 20th year, Piknic Électronik has established itself as a major summer event, blending culture and festivities into the Montreal landscape.

Project summary

Piknic Électronik launches a waste sorting station in front of the public. A dedicated team will be in charge of its operation to optimize the management of residual materials. Beyond its operational aspect, the station will also be a place for exchange and learning, thanks to informative displays and an educational game. The innovation lies in the integration of this station into the customer experience, where waste sorting is handled by team members, and relevant information is presented in an original way to team members and customers to encourage the adoption of more eco-responsible behavior.

This project is in progress

Further updates on the progress of this financing project will follow shortly.

Coming soon:

Findings and results

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The challenge

It’s important for museums and permanent attractions to renew themselves to attract new audiences. Innovative ideas from companies such as Stimulation Déjà-Vu are making such stations a reality.

Today, to stand out from the crowd, you need to employ innovative ideas and use technology to enhance the customer experience.

The solution

This unique exhibition offers the opportunity to immerse oneself in the marine world in a different way, and shows a new perspective on the exploration of aquatic environments.

The EAU’DORAT exhibition contains :

  • a varied olfactory station with information;
  • the opportunity to immerse yourself sensorially in the life of a polar bear and a shark, to become aware of their way of life;
  • marketing this exhibition to attract new visitors.

A station that goes further

Designed to be modular and transportable, the station can be deployed at various Montreal events throughout the year. It is positioned as a key activation, with the potential to improve residual materials management and encourage partners, notably street food trucks, to adopt more responsible practices. Eventually, the station could incorporate a deposit system for the return of reusable glasses and buckets, with the possibility of extending the deposit to food containers.

Results and findings

The exhibition was much appreciated by visitors and generated a great deal of enthusiasm. Good media coverage also helped to highlight the efforts and create excitement.

If we had to do it all over again, the materials would be chosen more for their durability, since we had to change several parts.