Project – IDÉ Trois-Rivières + roadBOOK

IDÉ Trois-Rivières + roadBOOK

The customer

The City of Trois-Rivières has entrusted IDÉ (Innovation et Développement économique, Trois-Rivières) with an extremely important role: that of supporting and coordinating all economic development on the Trois-Rivières territory. IDÉ Trois-Rivières is a one-stop, front-line service for entrepreneurs. IDÉ’s mission is to drive change towards a green economy, by supporting local initiatives.

Project summary

Thanks to the collaboration of various tourism players, roadBOOK, a Web application that acts as a digital tourist information kiosk, has been launched. roadBOOK dematerializes the content of the recommendations made by the travel advisor via an online application that travelers receive immediately by SMS or e-mail. Given the shortage of staff at tourist office reception desks, the roadBOOK will be offered to accommodation providers, who will be able to access the full content of tourist recommendations produced by destinations.

Group project with

This project is in progress

Further updates on the progress of this financing project will follow shortly.

Coming soon:

Findings and results

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The challenge

It’s important for museums and permanent attractions to renew themselves to attract new audiences. Innovative ideas from companies such as Stimulation Déjà-Vu are making such stations a reality.

Today, to stand out from the crowd, you need to employ innovative ideas and use technology to enhance the customer experience.

The solution

This unique exhibition offers the opportunity to immerse oneself in the marine world in a different way, and shows a new perspective on the exploration of aquatic environments.

The EAU’DORAT exhibition contains :

  • a varied olfactory station with information;
  • the opportunity to immerse yourself sensorially in the life of a polar bear and a shark, to become aware of their way of life;
  • marketing this exhibition to attract new visitors.

The service provider

roadBOOK is the place where members of a group traveling together share tourism recommendations from professionals in the destination they are visiting.

In their respective roadBOOK spaces, accommodation providers and tourist offices can publish information to help their customers organize and plan their stays. In addition to the content they offer by default, they can add their own personalized recommendations.

Results and findings

The exhibition was much appreciated by visitors and generated a great deal of enthusiasm. Good media coverage also helped to highlight the efforts and create excitement.

If we had to do it all over again, the materials would be chosen more for their durability, since we had to change several parts.